Maybole Medical Practice 6 High Street, Maybole, KA19 7BY | Tel: 01655 882708

Suggestions & Complaints

It is our intention to provide the best quality of care to our patients. If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints please do not hesitate to contact the Practice Manager.

Suggestion Box

A box is situated at reception for any comments on the service offered. We invite you to comment, in writing, either anonymously or accompanied by your name and address. if you leave your name and address, we will acknowledge your comments.


If, on any occasion, you feel we have not performed well we would like to hear about it. We use complaints and suggestions to identify potential areas for service improvement and staff training.

If you can, first talk to a member of staff involved in your care. We find that most problems can be resolved quickly at the time they arise and with the person concerned. If you feel you are unable to talk to the staff involved in your care or feel that your complaint is more serious, you can ask to speak with the Practice Manager.