Maybole Medical Practice 6 High Street, Maybole, KA19 7BY | Tel: 01655 882708

New Patients

New Patient Registration

The Practice accepts patients who are living within the Practice Area for more than 3 months. New patients will be asked to give their personal details by completing one of our registration packs.

Please download the relevant registration pack, then use the Upload File section below to upload and submit them to our practice.

Alternatively, please click the following link to register using the NHS Inform application form: You can download this registration form, complete it, and then email it to the GP practice.

Please Upload Your Registration Pack

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 1 GB.
    Please only use this to upload your completed registration pack along with Identification / NHS card, these will then be submitted to the practice team.

    Alternatively, there are copies available at reception to collect and complete.

    It is helpful if the new patient can bring along their NHS card or other means of identification. The Practice can only register official details.

    New Patient Health Check

    New Patients may be asked to make a 10 minute appointment with the Nurse to have a routine health check. Please bring any medication boxes or lists of medication to this appointment.

    You may also be asked for a sample of urine (please ask at reception for a white topped bottle). This allows us to get to know you and your past medical history as well as your treatment needs while we await your medical records arriving from your previous doctor.

    Expressing A Preference

    Under the GP contract, patients are registered with the practice as a whole. However, the patient may prefer to see a particular Practitioner for their routine care and prescribing of medication and the Practice records who they are normally seen by in their record. The Practice would expect that the patient would normally go to the same Doctor for routine and repeat problems. However, if there are problems that need to be seen more urgently the Patient must consult with a Doctor that is available.

    Practice Area

    Our Practice area covers Maybole, Minishant, Culroy, Dalrymple, Fisherton, Dunure, Maidens, Turnberry, Kirkoswald, Kilkerran, Crosshill, Kirkmichael and Straiton .

    People registered with this practice and others in Scotland are being asked to give their ethnic group. Your ethnic group is the group you identify with because of your language, culture, family background or country of birth. It is not necessarily the same as your nationality. For example you may see yourself as White Scottish, Polish or Pakistani. Your ethnic group is important for your care as it may influence your risk of disease. Knowing your ethnic group may also help us to provide services that meet your individual needs and to check that our services treat people from all backgrounds fairly and equally. For children, information about ethnic group can be provided by parents or guardians.

    People are also being asked to say whether they need an interpreter when talking with NHS staff, including the needs got sign language support.

    Why am I being asked these questions?

    Practices in Scotland which are participating in this exercise are asking all their patients to give their ethnic group and if they need interpreter support when talking with NHS staff.

    What do you mean by the ethnic group?

    An ethnic group is the group we identify with as a result of our culture, family background, the language we speak and the food we eat. For example most people in Scotland would identify themselves as White Scottish, while others might identify themselves as Indian. Ethnic group is different from nationality – for example people of many different ethnic groups have British nationality. 

    What has my ethic group got to do with my health care?

    Diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer are more common in some ethnic groups than others. We want to make sure that NHS services treat people equally whatever their ethnic group, gender, age, religion, disability or medical background.

    Isn’t it obvious what my ethnic group is?

    No it isn’t. Only an individual can say which ethnic group they identify with. It is important not to make assumptions about people asking.

    Why do I need to answer a question about needing an interpreter?

    We know that most of our patients can speak English, but some people may find it difficult to explain their health problems in English. By collecting information on patients’ needs for an interpreter, the NHS will be able to better plan their provision of interpreter services.

    Who will have access to this information?

    Only staff in the practice will have access to information that identifies you personally. Sometimes it would be helpful to share this information with other NHS staff to make sure that your health care needs are met. This might happen for example is you are being referred to hospital. We sometimes prepare statistical reports for the NHS to help plan services and to check the NHS is treating people from different backgrounds fairly. These reports will never identify you individually.